for all types of assets

Private Investors
Get the right tools to access 50+ markets and 1M instruments. Open an account and enjoy dedicated service from the onset.
What are your benefits?
for all types of assets
portfolio and unlock new instruments
phone and face-to-face meetings
bonds, options, futures, metals and currencies
trading, OTC deals and more
All-in-One Trading Platform
Direct Market Access
We provide direct market access to 1,400,000+ assets in 50+ global venues. With a DMA solution, you can place orders directly on the exchange and always have them executed at the best possible price. You see the big picture of market prices and make data-driven decisions.
Order routing is easy as 1-2-3:
- You submit an order through EXANTE
- The order is directed to an exchange
- The order is accepted, placed and filled at the exchange
Create Automated Execution strategies with ease.
Automate your trades, avoid manual operations and repetitive tasks.
The Grid strategy allows you to automatically place Buy or Sell orders based on your own pre-defined settings and then automatically secure profits, or minimise losses, at your own predefined levels without you having to constantly monitor your open positions.
Compliance and audits
Adhering to the MiFID II directive, we segregate EXANTE’s assets from the client’s assets. Customer funds are securely stored on separate accounts with large global banks.
EXANTE holds $60 million in equity and $2 billion in assets under management.
We hold licences from SFC (Hong Kong) and CySEC so our clients may choose a jurisdiction that best fits their requirements. We undergo regular audits by a Big Four company.